
World Without Undo in ‘Huang Yi & KUKA’

“I’d like to revert to the previous code. How do I ‘undo’ it, teacher?” I asked.

“There’s no ‘undo’ in KUKA’s code,” the teacher replied.

For safety considerations, KUKA lacks an ‘undo’ function. While working on code modifications or image edits, we often rely on ‘undo’ to revert to the previous version. But sometimes, when the changes are minimal, it’s uncertain which step the ‘undo’ will revert to.

This is risky; if a line of code is mistakenly deleted or not deleted, it might lead to a major disaster.

That’s why KUKA doesn’t have an ‘undo’ function; everything exists only in the ‘present.’ The modified or deleted content is permanently gone, and every adjustment decision is made with extreme caution.

Focusing on the ‘present.’

In this rapidly changing era, this approach is especially valuable.

“Huang Yi & Kuka” 2024/1/6 at Chiayi City Concert Hall ❤️

Get Tickets | https://b.link/k9hrw9qx


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